Privacy Policy for PowerScout

Last Updated: 11/01/2024

1. Information We Collect

PowerScout collects the following information from users during account creation:

2. How We Use Your Information

We collect this information solely for the purpose of identifying users within the PowerScout app. We do not share this information with any third parties. User passwords are securely stored as encrypted data in our database, and only the PowerScout app can access this data.

3. User Account Deletion

Users have the option to delete their accounts at any time. When an account is deleted, all associated user data is permanently removed from our system.

4. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding your privacy or this privacy policy, please contact us at

5. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy as needed. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised policy within the PowerScout app.

6. Data Tracking for Advertising

PowerScout may use data tracking technologies to deliver personalized advertisements. We will obtain explicit and informed consent from our users before engaging in any data tracking for advertising purposes. Users have the right to opt out of data tracking at any time.

7. Transparency in Data Tracking

We commit to full transparency regarding the data tracking methods used for advertising purposes. This includes details on what type of data is being collected, how it is processed, and if it is shared with third-party advertisers.

8. User Rights

Under GDPR, users have the right to access their personal data, request correction of inaccuracies, and request deletion of their data related to advertising tracking. PowerScout is committed to upholding these rights promptly and efficiently.

9. Compliance and Updates

We regularly review and update our privacy practices to ensure compliance with GDPR. This privacy policy will be updated as needed to reflect changes in our data tracking practices for advertising.

By using the PowerScout app, you acknowledge and consent to this privacy policy.

Date: 11/01/2024